Monday 31 July 2023

Catching Your Ideas - The Creative Process


Many years ago, when Mx. K was very small, they would always ask me how I caught my ideas. I don't think it was that they thought that I literally had to go out and catch them, but that the thought of writing a whole book, or more, intrigued them. Even now, as an adult, and writing their own stories, I wonder if they realise just how well they summed up the creative process.

For me, ideas have always been there. Some times they're more elusive than others, but everything you do as a writer involves an idea starting here or there. I've talked about plot bunnies before (found here, and here) and I've talked about how I personally take an idea and make it into something, but I don't think I've ever really talked about catching them, because even in childlike wonder, I realise that's what I do. I catch ideas, I pin them down, I write them, and then, as an author, I publish them and set them free to find the very people that those ideas resonate with on a deep level.

Ideas have always been a part of my life. Even as a child myself, I would think up the story that went with seeing some kind of exchange in public, whether it was someone shouting, or whether it was a baby crying, or people laughing. All of these would bring about ideas and stories in my head. I don't think that's something that's special about me, or even writers, I think every child, usually, has some kind of story running their head. It's more that for some of us, we grow out of that stage, and for others, we just don't. Instead we make it the way we earn a living.

I 'caught' my first proper idea when I was a teenager. I'd been writing 'books' with a friend and had this idea that had gotten deep under my skin and wouldn't let me go. Only the friend I was writing with thought it was a silly idea and it kinda got brushed to one side. I didn't stop catching them though, but that one idea stayed there, dormant and ready for me to use the moment I had the chance. I did use it, it had bloomed into a full on story to the point where it burst out of me in ten days and it ended up being my debut, Blackout.

It was the first time I'd written a book solely on my own that was actual novel length, though it wasn't the first book I wrote to completion. There were others, but they'd been written with friends, and were usually the kind of thing that if I were to read now would make me cringe. I didn't grow up wanting to be a writer per se, I grew up wanting to be a doctor, but at the same time, I kind of figured that I'd always be writing stories, just never thought they end up being read by anyone else.

I can, pretty much, remember every time I've caught an idea and where it ended up going. Sometimes it became a novel, or even a series. Other times it became a scene that I would slot into place. I have other ideas that are settled in the back of my mind but haven't yet really been wrangled into anything I can use. That's the problem with ideas, sometimes you catch them and they're not ready to be caught, they're still a little wild and all the taming in the world won't bring them to completion. Sometimes you have to let them go and stay on alert ready to catch them the next time they come around and hope they're ready for you.

Catching ideas is a hobby, but it's also something that is so deeply engrained in me that I don't think I could stop doing so. I write books for a living yes, but I tell stories because it's very much part of the core of who I am, part of my own sense of self. No matter who you are, or how you catch your ideas, or whether you write them down and share them, or just keep them for yourself, there is something special about knowing that what once started as a seed of something, has grown, bloomed, and blossomed into what you end up with. Keep catching them, and you may find yourself doing something you love above all else.

Any questions? Lemme know in the comments!

Follow Joey here on her blog, or on Facebook or Tumblr to be kept up to date with the latest news regarding Joey and her books.

Friday 28 July 2023

Review of Pieces Of You by Ginger Walls

Mattie only wants three things. To get out from under her parent's thumb, get a full scholarship to the University of Oregon to pursue her love of art, and finally, ask out the boy she's been in love with for years.

All her plans get turned upside down when her childhood best friend Nick needs a favor.

Nick wants to make a move on Everly, one of the popular cheerleaders at school. Everly said she would date Nick on one condition. Mattie gets a boyfriend of her own.

Seeing as Mattie is a tomboy with very few prospects, Nick comes up with the idea for her to start a pretend relationship with their other best friend, Huddie, until Homecoming. Once Everly sees Nick and Mattie are just friends, everything can go back to normal.

Or can it? Once feelings get involved, will the trio ever be able to go back to how things were before? Or will someone regret their decisions and fear they might lose everything they ever wanted?


My Review: 5 STARS

I picked this up because it sounded like a sweet romance and I was not disappointed. I ended up reading it all in one sitting. I loved Mattie and Huddie, and all the other characters. I adore the dynamics, and the tension as the plot continued on. I could not put it down and had to know how things were going to work out with Mattie and Huddie as well as the added complication of Nick. I was worried it would end up going down a path I wasn’t fond of, but it didn’t, and that just made me love the book even more. Adored, and highly recommended!

Join Joey here on the blog on Fridays for interviews, reviews and guest bloggers. If you'd be interested in doing any of those, you can contact Joey here

Tuesday 25 July 2023


Everything changed with the accident, and it's a little hard to cope with...


[ID: A waterfall background with the title DYING THOUGHTS - EIGHTH ENDING at the top and out now in ebook, paperback & audiobook just below the title. The except reads:

“You’re back,” he said. “I thought you were spending the night at Kaolin’s before I go on tour? I thought I had the house to myself.”
I sighed quietly, telling myself that he’d already made progress and that nothing was guaranteed. I knew getting frustrated and angry with him would not help matters.
“Dad, we talked about this remember?” I said, trying to sound more patient than I felt. “You were in an accident, then a coma and now it’s June, you’ve got some problems with short term memory but you’re making big steps. You remember?”

At the bottom is Joey Paul and just below that the website, in the top right corner is the Readers' Favorite Review seal, and in the bottom right corner is the logo for Bug Books. END ID]


Monday 24 July 2023

Knowing How Often To Publish - The After Process


This is a topic that has been on my to-do list when it comes to writing pieces that I've kept putting off for the simple reason that I don't think it's as cut and dried as people might like to think. After all, it should be a case of you publish whenever you have a book that's ready, right? Yes, a resounding yes, but there are other factors that come into play. Some of them apply across the board, some of them are a more nuanced thing and I guess part of me writing this is me trying to ascertain which ones apply to me, and to the writing community as a whole.

For backstory, I'm 41, and will be publishing my 21st book this year (pre-order it here) I have drafted, as in finished the first draft, almost 50 books. So I have a massive backlog, and for some writers this wouldn't be the case in that if they have a finished draft, they will go through the publishing process and get every single one of them up and ready to buy ASAP. I both can't, and don't want, to do that. A lot of things come into play for my decision, I'm disabled and I struggle with deadlines as much as the next person. Editing a book takes a long time and a lot out of me. I don't have the funds to pay for editing another 20-odd books, and even if they were to instantly sell and become massive things, I just don't want to spend what little time and energy I have on that process.

It sounds like what I'm saying is that I don't want to publish them, which just isn't the case. I do, but in my own time. For a lot of authors, their own time is doing it when the book is finished, but for others, like me, it's a case of taking time to revise and edit, and do it right the first time around. Now before someone comes for me in the comments, that is not me saying that those who publish a lot and fast don't take their time, it's just me saying that every one has a different twenty-four hours, and that's completely okay.

So how do you decide how often to publish? How do you navigate that minefield, because it certainly feels like that at times, and hit the right mark when it comes to your own works? How do you know whether something like rapid release is good for you, for your readers, for your genre and so on? I can't answer all of those completely, but I can give you some insight in to how I personally made, and will continue to make, those choices.

This, I feel, is the most important one. If you're someone who knows you can keep up with both drafting, and editing and all of that, then obviously your choice is going to be different compared to me, who just can't do all of that. Rapid release is a viable marketing and publishing tool, and if you know that you can keep up, and it's something that fits your personal genre and age category, then it might be something you choose to do. As far as I can remember, rapid release is defined as more than four books a year. I'm not even close to that bar one year when I did three, and I really struggled with it, and wouldn't do it again, so I'm not the best person to ask about it.

But if, like me, you find that publishing one or two books a year is more than enough for you, that's completely okay too. Some people find a happy medium between the two, where they'll do more one year and less the next. It's more about working out what's going to fit your goals, and your work load, and you commitments. After all, I can write fast, but I don't edit and the like fast, so I know that me trying to churn out a massive amount of my backlog is only going to stress me out and lead to burnout which no one wants.


This is a big one, because I know that there are some genres in young adult that do better with shorter times between releases. I know that if you have a series, it's a good idea to try and release them pretty close together. It was for that reason that I did the three books in a year, to end out a long series, and start a new one. I then did two books for a time, before dropping back down to the one. Now there are ways around not wanting to overload yourself, there are authors who will write, edit and all of that, taking as much time as they need, before they then do a burst of releases of the finished books and series, and then drop off to write and repeat the cycle, so all is not lost if you, like me, can't pump them out fast enough.

Of course, this again is not an absolute. If you don't want to do that, or you feel like even though your genre can sometimes call for it, you just don't have the money or the time, or whatever reason, then you don't have to. I know that adult romance is a big one for more releases a year, but at the same time, there are, and will continue to be, successful authors who don't release a lot of books every year, some don't even release every year full stop, and that is very much a valid way of doing things.

At the end of the day, no one can make these choices for you. I didn't use to be someone who'd put a book on pre-order before I was done with edits and the like. It was something that would stress me out, but as my readership grew, and the publishing landscaped changed, I realised I was losing a lot of potential readers that way. How you choose to approach publishing, from the path you choose, to how many books you publish in any given time, is very personal. It's not something that anyone else can do for you, so remember that and keep moving forward at your own pace. There will always be readers waiting for your story.

Any questions? Lemme know in the comments!

Follow Joey here on her blog, or on Facebook or Tumblr to be kept up to date with the latest news regarding Joey and her books.

Friday 21 July 2023

Review of Crushing On You by Sara Breaker

He was her biggest high school crush. Now, he's the subject of her Ph.D. Goal: Don't get distracted.
A pragmatic grad student must decide what's real. Her robust and comprehensively analyzed theory on "love." Or what's staring her right in the face.

Driven, competitive, and single-minded Ph.D. candidate Ingrid Harmon can help you get over him.

Using the best scientific methodologies, her latest paper provides a comprehensive analysis to explain how you most likely never even really liked him to begin with.

Who cares if her condescending soon-to-be ex-boyfriend kicks her off the most important sociology dissertation of her life because he thinks her revolutionary ideas are too fluffy?

She can just return home to do her own study and get all her answers. Nothing can stop her.

Until she needs to test her theories on Connell Matthews, her very first and biggest, stupidest crush ever. It doesn't help that Connell has grown hotter in the last seven years or that maybe he's no longer the immature playboy jock from high school.

But Ingrid is not an insecure sixteen-year-old nerd anymore either. Surely, she would have no problems staying focused to complete her paper, right...?

Will Ingrid's theory fall flat on its face or will her experiment fail...successfully?

My Review: 4.5 STARS

I have read Breaker’s work before and loved it, so when I saw this one, I had to pick it up. I adored Connell from the first meeting, though it took me a time to warm up to Ingrid. Watching them come together and following the twists and turns had me not wanting to put the book down, to get lost in their romance and how things might work out for them. By the end of the book, I was hooked on the two of them together and adored it. My only issue was Ingrid being a bit abrasive which took me time to get used to, but once I did, I was there for it! Recommended to all who love a good romance!

Join Joey here on the blog on Fridays for interviews, reviews and guest bloggers. If you'd be interested in doing any of those, you can contact Joey here

Tuesday 18 July 2023


Lock doesn't know what to do, trusting Lana might be a mistake...


[ID: A sea green background with the title LIGHTS OUT at the top and out now in ebook, paperback & audiobook just below the title. The except reads:

“But if…,” I started to say.
“Yeah, if, if she wasn’t lying, if she really was thirty-five, if her chip was faulty, if her ID wasn’t a fake, all these ifs and we’re talking about your life here, Lock. She’s gone, nothing is going to bring her back and as far as we know, no error was made. If it turns out that there was, then just chalk it up to experience. Don’t make the same mistake again, but also, don’t throw your life away just in case.”

At the bottom is Joey Paul and just below that the website, in the top left corner is the Readers' Favorite Review seal, in the top right corner is the New Apple Award seal and in the bottom right corner is the logo for Bug Books. END ID]


Monday 17 July 2023

Staying On Track With Goals - The Creative Process


I did a check in on my goals a few weeks ago (piece found here) and I find that a lot of the time people will ask me how I manage to stay on track. Like how do I know what I want to achieve, and how do I go about making it so that I do achieve the things I set. I've talked about it before (found here), and I figured that I'd talk about it again, since it's something that has changed the way I work.

First a bit of backstory, I didn't spring forth into the writing world with perfect routines and goals that I've been hitting since the day I started when I was nineteen. It wasn't really until about five or so years ago that I was able to consistently hit the mark with both writing my books, and hitting my goals. Goals have always been something that I've set for myself, but they were not something that I met every week/month/year without fail. Even now you can see that there are some goals that I just don't hit, and that, my friends, is completely normal.

It's normal to get to a point where you miss a goal here and there. It's normal to set goals and not realise at the time that you just are not going to get them done, no matter how motivated you are. It's normal to struggle with them, and to think that maybe you bit off a bit more than you can chew. It's normal to get to the end of a week or a month, or a quarter, or year and find that actually you really didn't do all that well. That is completely normal, and part of the process of finding a way of working that works for you, something that is constantly evolving and changing.

I talk about it like that because a lot of the time people look at me and think that because I have a routine now that works, that it has always worked, and will always work, and that's just not true. I hit on the writing early in the morning and getting my work done then because I couldn't sleep past a certain time. My sleep pattern is all over the place, even years later when I start to wake up earlier and earlier. It does mean that I have to head to bed early too, not because I want to miss out on the things that you get to do staying up later, but because my body is beyond tired and there's little to be done about it.

But I digress, my point is that simply, your routine, your goals, and all of that will change, and they will keep changing. There's nothing static about life, things come and go, situations move and change, it's normal to find yourself working in a way that's worked for months, years even, and then have to pivot to get back into a different kind of routine that works for you. That's just life, and beating yourself up for it, is not helping you, if anything it's stopping you from adapting to a new way of working.

So with that in mind, what are the steps I take to keep on track with my goals? Glad you asked because I'm gonna tell you!


Now when it comes to setting goals for the first time, I know that you might go too high, or aim too low, because you don't yet really have any idea of what you can reasonably manage in a certain time span. This is, again, normal. When I first started setting my to-do list, which was the start of my goals, I went for things that I thought I should be able to manage, and I did that for months until I had an idea of what I was actually capable of. To begin with I aimed way too high, and I kept getting discouraged when it come to the end of the time period and found that the majority of things weren't crossed off my list.

I didn't adjust when it came to that first month, not just because I still thought if I pushed myself I could manage, but because I didn't know yet what a regular month for me would look like. I didn't know because I didn't have anywhere near enough data for that. It took me six months or so before I could see that no, I was not capable of this goal, but I could manage more than this other goal. It was a lot of adjusting and making sure I knew what I could realistically manage, and then I was able to be more accurate when it came to goals, which meant I was crossing more things off, and getting that nice boost to my mood.

When I first started doing yearly goals on my Authortube channel, I didn't really check in until the end of the year. A lot of people will say that yearly goals are too long a period, and they can be right for the majority of the small stuff, but not, I feel, for the really big stuff that will take too long to be done in a month, and a quarter and can't really be broken down too much. Now that I know that I do better with a small number of long term goals, I make sure that around the six month mark, I pull them up, and see what I can cross off, and what I'm still working towards.

You can do it on a smaller scale as well. You can take quarterly goals, or monthly goals, and make sure that mid-way through the period, you're checking in. It allows you to see where you need to focus more, and it also allows you to adjust for things that maybe at the start of the period you thought you could manage, but actually just aren't going to happen, because like I said above, things happen, schedules change, and that's completely normal. I feel like the check in period in a really useful tool when it comes to learning what you're capable of, and also readjusting your focus.

This is what a lot of people will refer to as their 'why', and it's true. I have some goals on my list, like having a certain number of days off each month, for a reason. I don't want to get burnt out. I don't want to push myself too hard, and I know that if I don't have it on the list, I will find myself putting it off. So you want to make sure that every single goal has a why, has a reason for it being there. Like when I was at uni, I would set myself a certain number of units for the week, why? Because I needed to do that to stay on track with assignments and the like.

Now though, I'll set myself chapters, or revisions, or edits, and videos and everything else that needs to get done. The why is simply, I want to be able to be this far forward, or I have a deadline, or I need to have things ready for the upcoming month and so on. Every goal needs to have a why, and if you can't think of one, then maybe you need to be rethinking why that goal is on your list.

So there we go, those are the three big things that help me stay on track with my goals. I know that everyone works differently and that there is no one universal way of doing things, which I actually think is pretty cool, so if these don't work for you, that's okay, you just gotta find the way that does.

Any questions? Lemme know in the comments!

Follow Joey here on her blog, or on Facebook or Tumblr to be kept up to date with the latest news regarding Joey and her books.

Friday 14 July 2023

Review In Between Them by Jeanmarie Anaya

The first rule of friendship is simple: hands off your best friend’s crush. Friendship first, no exceptions.

So seventeen-year-old Cass is understandably wrecked when her best friend Alex latches onto Graham, the guy Cass has loved since forever. But Alex is so loaded with tears and apologies that it’s impossible not to forgive her.

Friendship first, even when it hurts.

Before long, Graham blindsides Alex with a breakup no one saw coming. Alex has never needed Cass more. With her best friend desperate to find the reason beneath Graham’s change of heart, Cass vows to be the perfect support system—spying, sneaking, scheming to help Alex lure Graham back. But an impulsive kiss throws Cass into an unforgivable role with the guy she’s always wanted, the same guy who’s now off-limits by her own rules. This time forgiveness doesn’t come easily, especially not for herself.


My Review:  4.5 STARS

I picked this up thinking that it would be a romance filled with twists and turns, and it very much was. I adored Cass, and found myself feeling for her as she went through the emotions of losing her crush to her best friend, and then everything that came after. The only part I didn’t like was that it felt like a lot of things were left unresolved by the end of the book. That said, it didn’t make for any less an enjoyable read. I was rooting for Cass and Graham, and found that I really didn’t like Alex and the way she dealt with things, but that she brought out some intense emotions in me speaks of a relatable character. Good read, and an author I’ll read again!

Join Joey here on the blog on Fridays for interviews, reviews and guest bloggers. If you'd be interested in doing any of those, you can contact Joey here

Thursday 13 July 2023

Life Of Joey & Bi-Monthly Goals - July 2023 [CC]

Letting you know what I was up to in June, as well as reviewing goals for May & June & setting new ones for July & August! #Authortube


Tuesday 11 July 2023


Tara doesn't know how to cope with this...


[ID: A light blue background with the title DYING THOUGHTS - SEVENTH DEATH at the top and out now in ebook, paperback & audiobook just below the title. The except reads:

This was real though.
My dad had a machine breathing for him and even that might not be enough. I tried to tell myself not to think the worst until I spoke to the doctor, but the thought of my dad not waking up, of being on this machine until one day he was gone made my thoughts go to horrible places.
One thing was for certain I had one match left to light the way, and losing Dad would blow it out. I couldn’t live in the dark.

At the bottom is Joey Paul and just below that the website, in the bottom left corner is the Readers' Favorite Review seal, and in the bottom right corner is the logo for Bug Books. END ID]



Monday 10 July 2023

The Trials Of A Crime Writer: How Not To Kill Everyone


One thing that remains a bit of a staple when it comes to crime novels is that, usually, someone, or many someone's, die. It's not always the case, sometimes you have a different kind of crime to follow along with, but generally speaking, there's pretty much always the risk of a character here and there meeting their end. I've been writing (and reading) crime novels for a very long time, and while occasionally I don't have a death as the kick off for it all, it's generally in there somewhere.

Someone once told me that writing crime novels for teens would encourage violent behaviours in them. Another someone once said that including any kind of bad behaviour or conflict would also drive teens and my readers to drugs or something just as bad. I shook my head at them both then, because the truth is that a lot of the time, these are things that teens are exposed to, bad behaviour wise, or know of, death wise. To hide them from teens in fiction, or any kind of appropriate media would be wrong, and it'd also be dumbing down life for them.

That said, I don't think I personally could write a book where everyone dies. I've been tempted to in the past, where the characters have been annoying me, and the plot doesn't seem to want to be wrangled into where it needs to go, and then I'm tempted to do a whole rocks fall, everyone dies kinda situation. I even wrote about it once (piece found here) but it's never actually be the final draft of that story and I don't think I'll ever really get to a point where it is.

But there are situations, and plots, where a whole lot of characters die, and it can be tempting sometimes to add to the body count. If you're writing horror, that's a whole different ball game, and not one that I have much, if any, experience with as either a writer or reader, so for that I can't help you. But, if you're writing crime, or something adjacent to it, then maybe these tips will help you when it comes to keeping the majority of your characters alive and, somewhat, well by the end of the story.

Now this might not apply to every situation. I, usually, write in first person, and I find that when that main character dies, it's pretty hard for them to finish the story unless they're writing it from some kind of afterlife, which works for some, but not for others. If you write in third and there's no real way to discern who is telling the story, or you have this narrator that no one ever meets, that might not be as big of an issue as for someone like me.

That said, I still feel like for the story to really hit home, you need at least one survivor, someone who has gone through all of this when it comes to the events of it along with the reader. It doesn't have to be the main character, I'm not one of those writers who believes that they always have to survive, but if you do have someone else pick up the pieces afterwards, then make sure that they played a part in the story itself. So when tempted to kill absolutely everyone there, keep in mind that there needs to be someone who can look back and say: this was bad, and here's why.


I know what you might be thinking, that death is the biggest equaliser, that it might be the way to really drive home how bad things go, and while that might be true for a lot of reasons, there's also the aftermath. Imagine this if you will, what's worse, everyone dying and silence, or everyone you know dying and you being left with all of that baggage and trauma that comes with having witnessed it all? Now that's not me saying that either one is better or that you should be traumatising your readers to hit the mark, but just that when it comes to characters, sometimes the worst thing that can happen to them, isn't the end of their lives.

For me, the thought of being the sole survivor scares me more, and would impact me in a deeper way than being one of the ones to not make it. I don't subscribe really to the idea of an afterlife, so for me death is the end, and I'm okay with that. To lose everyone else, to have gone through something terrible like a serial killer hitting those I care about, or some kind of thing like that, that would have a bigger impact on me in the long term. That, I feel, would drive home the loss. But of course, you have to do what's right for your story and your characters, so if that doesn't apply to you, then that's okay too.

So those are my two big thoughts when it comes to not wanting to kill everyone. I don't think that you have to make it so there's no big losses, or that you're not waiting for the reader's tears. After all, making your readers care about your characters and then ripping them from their grasp, that's part of the whole writing thing, but I do feel like having massive losses, to the point where there are no survivors, dampens the effect somewhat.

As always, your mileage may vary, and you gotta do what's right for your story and your characters. I can only talk about what works for me, and hope that it sparks some ideas for you!

Any questions? Lemme know in the comments!

Follow Joey here on her blog, or on Facebook or Tumblr to be kept up to date with the latest news regarding Joey and her books.

Friday 7 July 2023

Review of The Fear Of Falling Apart by Lauren Nappi

Lucy Easton is falling apart. While healing from a painful breakup with her first love, Lucy's mom dies unexpectedly and then life seems impossible. Her father is cold and distant. She's ruined almost every friendship she's had. Then out of nowhere comes Miles Porter, a boy who seems to understand her, having lost his mom too. But can Miles really save Lucy from her grief? Is he too good to be true? And what happens when Miles is the one who needs saving?


My Review: 5 STARS

I picked this up because the cover called to me, and the blurb sounded interesting. I fell in love with the characters from their first meeting, and was hooked for the rest of the book. There were times when I worried that Nappi was going to add tropes to an amazing love story that would ruin it all, but she didn’t. Instead she crafted this beautifully, poignant story of loss, grief, and falling apart. I adored it from start to finish and I couldn’t be happier with that ending. It was just brilliant. The characters felt real, the emotions they pull from the reader the same. Very much recommended for all who love exploring the darker side, but with a lightness to it.

Join Joey here on the blog on Fridays for interviews, reviews and guest bloggers. If you'd be interested in doing any of those, you can contact Joey here

Thursday 6 July 2023

Tuesday 4 July 2023


Hetti isn't used to the finer things in life...


[ID: A dirty green background with the title WALK A MILE at the top and out now in ebook, paperback & audiobook just above the title. The except reads:

I pulled off the seals and opened it. Sat inside was the latest model of a 3D projection watch. I gasped. There was no way I could ever had afforded this, it was close to five hundred pounds for this model.
“Isn’t it cool?” she said, ripping away at her own box. “It’s programmed to respond to your tablet and your voice. It will only open with your fingerprint scan and it’s even more portable for taking private calls!”
I sat and stared at the beautiful white watch and didn’t know what to say. Part of me felt like I should be telling her I couldn’t accept such an extravagant gift.

At the bottom is Joey Paul and just below that the website, in the bottom left corner is the New Apple Award seal, and in the bottom right corner is the logo for Bug Books. END ID]


Monday 3 July 2023

Six Month Check In With Goals - The Creative Process


It's that time of the year again where I look back on the goals I set myself on my Authortube channel at the end of 2022, for the whole of this year. I like to check in with them because sometimes things change over the year and you realise that you've not been prepared for the way things have gone. I don't generally change goals, because I feel like even doing that, sometimes some things are just not going to happen, and that's okay!

So let's jump into those goals!


This one is on track. I'm in the midst of doing my corrections from my developmental editor right now, and should be sending it off to the line editor in August. I have a tentative release day, but that won't be announced until the cover reveal happens on July 20th on my Authortube channel. I've been loving the way the story is coming together, and how well edits have gone so far. I may be saying otherwise later though because I know there are some big changes that need to happen for it to work.


This one is also on track. I started revising this book back in November of 2022, and have been making inroads with getting it into shape. The plan is to release it next year, but we'll see how things go. I'm happy with the way Jessie's growing, happy with the way the book comes together, and how it leads into the fourth book in the series.


I plan to start this in around August time, just because I'll be fresh off the developmental edits at that point so will be able to weave things into the plot that need to be changed and also get a better idea of what kind of shape it's in. I plan to use the same sensitivity readers as I did for Invisible, so that will take a chunk of time, and I'd like to be able to spend as much time as possible on this one first.

I've completed this one. I finished both books in March, and while Cache Of Memories ended up shorter than I plan, The French Murder finished right where I thought it would. I really loved both of these, and can't wait to dive back in to revisions at some point in the future. We'll see how it goes though, I might be taking a year or so off drafting next year so that I can spend more time in revisions, but we'll see if that happens.

I've started both of these in April, and am loving how they're shaping up. Viral Detection is a dystopian, and it's just awesome to delve back into those kinds of stories. The History Thief is obviously the second in the Disability Detectives series and it's been nice to get to know the characters and see how they deal with things.

I obviously haven't started these yet, but I think I'm on plan to start them in around September, depending on how things go with my current projects! I am looking forward to working on both of them and it'll be interesting to see how it all comes together.

I haven't done any of these. I don't know if I will manage to get them done in the next six months, but I'm always open to collabs, maybe I might bite the bullet and think of some kind of collab so that I can reach out to people to pull this one off.


This one has been easy to keep up with. I even finished my last log book after using it for about five years, and am now using a completely different one which I will probably be using for around the same amount of time, maybe longer if I take that time off drafting, but yes, so far this one has been done.

Again, this is another easy one for me to manage. I love recording and sharing on youtube, and so it's been pretty smooth for me to keep up with that. I've not missed a single Thursday so far this year, and I don't foresee me doing so in the six months left!

So far I have managed this. It meant that I had to shuffle things around a little some months, because they either didn't have two days, (like in Feburary with it being a shorter month) or I had other medical stuff that I had to get done so those days off wouldn't count (like in June when I had Mepo twice) but I have managed it, and am loving the extra time off!


I've done this one so far as well. I write my Monday posts for the month at the tailend of the month before, and then I'm set up for it without having to scramble around and find time to get them written. My Friday posts, which have actually been just reviews so far this year, have been booked up quickly by other authors, and so I've been able to not miss a single week so far this year.


I have done every month, even switched to a new planned in June after my old one was filled, and again it's something I enjoy doing, and something that I want to keep doing over the rest of the year, and into the next one as well.

This one is not going to be on my goals list next year because I feel like it's such an easy one for me to manage, that it's not really stretching myself to achieve it. It's now been about seven years since I started doing at least a page a day for every day of the month, and I hit this goal every month, without fail, so I might see about thinking up something else to go in this spot.

So far I've sent seven newsletters, so I'm on track to do this one as well. I send them out on the 1st of every month, and if you're ever interested in seeing things first, then you can sign up here. My newsletter isn't huge, but the people I have are good ones, and I'm going to be keeping up with this.

This one I managed until about March/April time, when I started to realise that even with all the research I'd done, I wasn't consistently getting anywhere with ads. So I didn't do them in April or May, or even June, and because of that, this one is very much a fail, but I'm okay with that. I'd like to experiment with them some more, but for now, it's definitely not something I'm going to achieve.

So there we go, those are my goals for the rest of the year, and I have to say that I think I'm doing pretty well with them. I'm hoping that the next six months show that as well!

Any questions? Lemme know in the comments!

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