Tuesday 29 March 2022


Tara is looking forward to some time alone in the house, even with her dad setting down the groundrules...

BUY NOW: http://www.books2read.comDTSD

[ID: A bright blue background with the title DYING THOUGHTS - SEVENTH DEATH at the top and Out now in ebook and paperback below the title. The except reads:

“I’m sure I’ll survive six weeks without you!” I said, laughing a little. “I’ll have Kaolin over and we can have a few raves…kidding about that last part!” Though, I did plan to throw a party or two, Dad didn’t need to know about that.
“The list also has the ground rules. No boys after eleven. You don’t miss college unless you are actually sick and no parties. At all,” he replied, looking serious.
I raised my eyebrow. “Dad, I’m seventeen, I should be able to have ‘boys’ over if I want, besides you’ll be living it up with hot groupies, won’t you?!”

At the bottom is Joey Paul and just below that the website www.joeypaulonline.com, in the bottom left corner is the Readers' Favorite Review seal, and in the bottom right corner is the logo for Bug Books. END ID]


Monday 28 March 2022

5 Facts About Joey As An Author


Last week I talked about five facts about my ideas process (found here) and this week will be the last of these for a bit where I'm gonna talk about five facts about me as an author. A few things to get out of the way if you're new to the blog, I'm Joey Paul, and I'm an indie author of almost twenty books, and I've been writing since I was nineteen, over twenty years now! I write young adult, across a variety of genres from paranormal/mystery to crime to urban fantasy to dystopian and some others I'm missing along the way. Now that's done, let's jump into the facts.

I used to be someone who would handwrite their chapters and then type them up, editing as I went. This was the case all the way up to my fifth book, Lynne & Hope, and I think it was during that, when the writing got too painful that I stopped doing it. I still edit as I go, but I don't handwrite pretty much anything to do with writing, except my autograph and such in signed books. I have Fibromyalgia and it's made it way too painful to handwrite and grip a pen for any length of time, so I find it easier to get the writing done on a keyboard and go from there.


People will talk about how organised I am, and while I will agree with that, it generally only applies to time management things. I don't plan my writing much, and I don't plan pretty much anything else in my life. I use a planner because it works for me, and allows me to stay on target and productive. When you have deadlines, it's a good idea to work out how you're going to get those done, and planning has been a long process to get to the point where I am now.

Outside of planning my time, I'm pretty much someone who takes things as they come. Because of my health, I know that schedules and such get knocked out all the time. Like I know that sometimes I'll plan to do this and that on a certain day, but poor health will stop me from managing it, and because of that, I've learned to be pretty flexible, even when it comes to plans for writing and the like.

Or at least it wasn't a concious thing. I did write stories and books through my teen years, and I did ponder the plans to maybe one day be published, but my dream growing up was to be a doctor, and I planned my classes at school and college to reflect that. Of course my health got in the way and that was blown out of the water, and so I turned to writing. It was something, as I said, that I'd played around with, and here was the chance to actually do something with it. I wrote with the plan to get published, but that didn't happen until 2005 and even then it wasn't a good publisher, so I turned to self-pub/indie in 2011 and haven't looked back since.

I know that it was a thing pre-pandemic, that writers would go to coffee shops and the like, and write there. For a long time I didn't do that because of access issues, but now, even with the pandemic still going on, I do feel like I could set up and write pretty much anywhere. I've always got a lot of hospital visits and appointments, and while I don't always write at these because of space and ill health, I have found that I can write, and do pretty well, while in hospital. It's something to pass the time with, and I'm usually quite able to shut out the noise around me and just focus on getting the words on the page.

I know that for some people, making their job a part of their core personality, is a bad idea, but for me, writing is, and I think always will be, a big part of who I am. I tell stories because otherwise I don't know how to deal with things. I will work things out in small pieces of fiction. I will have themes of my own life going through the plot. I don't write self-inserts and such, but I do have a lot of me in my characters, depending on what they're going through and where I was during that period of my life. Writing is very much a way I cope, and how I process things, and I think that's okay.

So there we go, five facts about me as an author! I do plan to do more of these five facts, but for the time being, this is the last one. I hope you've enjoyed learning more about my process and how I deal with writing and editing and all that goes with that.

Any questions? Lemme know in the comments!

Follow Joey here on her blog, or on Facebook or Tumblr to be kept up to date with the latest news regarding Joey and her books

Friday 25 March 2022

Review of Making Eden by KRS McEntire

In post-apocalyptic Chicago, only the Cleansed survive.

Seventeen-year-old Ivy would do anything to save her mother—giving up her mutant abilities in a Cleansing ceremony is a price she’s willing to pay. It’s the only way to get her hands on the medicine her mother needs. 

Asher hopes the Cleansing will secure a safer life for his girlfriend, Ivy—one where she’s less likely to get slaughtered for simply walking down the street. A life where she can get legally married, ideally, to him. 

But Ivy’s Cleansing goes horribly wrong. When mutants disappear, Asher must discover where the missing mutants have gone. Will Asher and Ivy find each other and discover the truth about the treatment before more mutants vanish?


My Review: 5 STARS

I read the first two books in this series one after the other, and had to pre-order this one to find out what happened next. I loved the way each book in the series has focused on two different people. The story was engaging from the first page and took you along for a ride. You find yourself on the edge of your seat, trying to guess where the twists and turns are going to take you. I adored the ending, adored the way the series came together and the world building along the way. This is a must read for anyone who loves dystopian or post-apocalyptic stories. Very very well written and highly engaging and recommended!

Join Joey here on the blog on Fridays for interviews, reviews and guest bloggers. If you'd be interested in doing any of those, you can contact Joey here.

Tuesday 22 March 2022


Hetti has a lot to get used to, including her new partner's driving skills...

BUY NOW: http://www.books2read.com/WAM

[ID: A green background with the title WALK A MILE at the top and Out now in ebook and paperback just above the title. The except reads:

I’d thought that the reason Sabrina drove so fast on the way to the scene was because of the urgency needed with a suspected murder, but it turned out that she drove like that normally. I was glad that my stomach was empty because the number of close calls made me feel like I was on a rollercoaster and about to puke. Sabrina had two lead feet since she accelerated as hard and as fast as she braked.

At the bottom is Joey Paul and just below that the website www.joeypaulonline.com, in the bottom left corner is the New Apple award seal, and in the bottom right corner is the logo for Bug Books. END ID]


Monday 21 March 2022

5 Facts About My Ideas Process


Last week I talked about five facts about my editing process (found here) and this week I plan to go into my ideas process. Every writer is different when it comes to dealing with ideas, to planning and plotting, or pantsing through the drafting process. You all know that I'm more of a plantser, leaning towards more pantsing, but that I do outline through the revision process. I thought that I would focus on ideas, because that's basically where it all starts and even as I write this, I'm brewing up some new ideas!

I know that for a lot of writers, they have more ideas than they know what to do with, and I used to be like that. Ideas would hit me, and I'd scurry off to write them down somewhere before I forgot them entirely. Nowadays, while I do have ideas floating around in my head, they don't come to a proper form unless I really focus on them. I find that while in the midst of drafting, I won't have the time or energy to devote to any fledgling ideas and will instead be focusing on getting the story I'm writing done. When it comes time to try and think up ideas, something I find myself panicking a little because what happens if I can't think of something? As I've said before, it's never happened yet, but the panic is still there, because thanks anxiety!

I do however find that when an idea hits me now, it's usually one that will take root and grow despite me trying to focus on my current projects, and when that happens, I may have to spend some time thinking it through, writing notes on it, and basically getting it out of my head so that I can go back to work. This only really works though when I have more of a fleshed out idea, so like right now I have an idea, but it's characters, a setting, and a genre, and no plot to be found, so that one is sitting in the back of my head and thinking itself up into something.


Right now I'm more on the paranormal/mystery and contemporary genres. Sometimes I go through stages of writing just urban fantasy and early in my career I stuck to mystery and paranormal and even some straight up crime. That said, that new idea? It'd be sci-fi/crime, I just have to think of a plot to go with it. I have written across so many different genres that it can be hard for me to know ahead of time whether this new idea is going to fit in the right genre. I've always been someone who reads widely, so it doesn't surprise me that my ideas are along the same lines. I've never said I won't write any genre, and I doubt I could stick to one if I had to, it would feel too stifling and the like.

I find that if I try and force myself to think of an idea, or to squish an existing one into a certain genre or with certain characters, then it just ends up flat. The characters have no personality and it takes me an entire book to try and get into their heads, which just doesn't bode well for a good revision experience. I'm more of the free range idea, let them float around in my head, and let them grow naturally. If that happens, and I can do something with it, great, if not, then I'll water that one a little more and move onto another idea. Since I'm not a hardcore planner, this can be sometimes done during the start of drafting, but mostly, I let my ideas grow and pluck them up when they're ready.

I'm gonna use that idea that I keep mentioning because it feels like the best way to show you what I mean. Right now, I have two very strong characters in my head. I know their names, the way they look, what their goals are, and what they mean to each other. I don't know the plot really, in that I know that something needs to happen to one of them, but I don't know what that something is beyond a couple of brand new thoughts. I also know the setting, which is kinda unusual for me, but there we go.

Other times, I will have a solid plot, but it takes me ages to work out who the characters are and what that means for them. I will have everything down, but those characters can be pesky, and I'll end up with blank faces that I know will grow into something eventually. That said, I can, sometimes, manage to find the plot through drafting, but I have never been able to find the characters that way.

For those who've been here for a while, you'll know that I started Lights Out, my dystopian trilogy, thinking that it would be a standalone, when actually it turned into a trilogy. I had the plan, I had the story, but I didn't know the whole of it until I started to draft. When that happens, and it has done more than once, I will turn things over and over in my head. As a kid one of the things I hated was series that didn't know when to end. I never wanted to be that kind of writer, so when it came to series, I always liked to weigh up if the next book was needed, or have a planned ending in sight. The same happens when an idea grows. I weigh up whether it's really growing or if I just want to play with these characters some more. So far, it's not let me down.

So there we go, those are five facts about my ideas process, and next week I'll be giving you five facts about me as an author, so I hope to see you then! Ideas are the bread and butter of being a writer, but I do love that everyone has their own idea process and it's always different even if only in some small way.

Any questions? Lemme know in the comments!

Follow Joey here on her blog, or on Facebook or Tumblr to be kept up to date with the latest news regarding Joey and her books

Friday 18 March 2022

Review of Chimera Skies by Sharlene Healy

Monsters aren't the only ones after me.

When my parents are kidnapped on our simple family vacation, my perfectly ordinary life turns upside down. A stranger rescues me and my siblings and takes us deep underground to Bunker 3. It's there we learn about chimeras, monsters that are secretly living among us. Our information comes at a price, though, and we now must remain at Bunker 3.

I know I need to find my parents, but Bunker 3 starts to feel like home. I find friends and even a little romance. If these strange nightmares would leave me alone, I know Bunker 3 is a place I could be happy in. Little by little, though, I uncover the truth: monsters aren't the only things lurking in the dark, and Bunker 3 has its fair share of darkness.


My Review: 5 STARS

I picked this up because of the blurb and cover. It started off by pulling me into the story and making me want to know more. Sam and her family are on a road trip and then things start to go seriously wrong. I loved the characters, the closeness of the family and siblings, and adored the world building here. The romance woven through the words just made things all the more real and excitable. The story had me on the edge of my seat, and by the end I was desperate for the second book, which I plan to read ASAP! All in all an amazing first start to a series and one that leaves you hungry for more. Very much recommended for those who love a little mystery and intrigue!

Join Joey here on the blog on Fridays for interviews, reviews and guest bloggers. If you'd be interested in doing any of those, you can contact Joey here.

Tuesday 15 March 2022



Tara isn't used to a boy's affection, and she's not sure what to do about it...

BUY NOW: http://www.books2read.com/DTSC

[ID: A close up of yellow lights background with the title DYING THOUGHTS - SIXTH CHANGE at the top and Out now in ebook and paperback just below the title. The except reads:

He asked me out about two weeks after we started at Sanford. I turned him down flat because I, let’s face it, have some issues. One being that a guy stalked me, kidnapped me, and almost killed me in May. I’m not really in the right frame of mind to start dating. Also, I’ve never dated a guy, I’ve never had a guy interested in me…well a *normal* guy that is.

At the bottom is Joey Paul and just below that the website www.joeypaulonline.com, in the top right corner is the Readers' Favorite Review seal, and in the bottom right corner is the logo for Bug Books. END ID]


Monday 14 March 2022

5 Facts About My Editing Process


Last week I talked about my revision process (piece found here) and this week I'm going to dive into five facts about my editing process. I will say that out of all of the stages of being a writer and author, this is the one that doesn't appeal to me. Whether that's after revisions and into the professional editing stage, or whether that's just in the self-editing stage. I don't do well with it.

I don't know whether this is just something for me, or whether it's for all writers. Personally, I think it's the latter, but just in case it's not, I'll say that for me editing requires a whole lot more creative energy than say drafting. Even in revisions, I feel like I cope better because I have some leeway when it comes to where I spend the time and how I go about approaching it. Whereas with editing, there's usually a deadline of some sorts, and it's having to be on at all times when it comes to this process. If I miss out on sleep, I find it really really hard to keep my editing hat on, and it can lead to frustrations for both me and whichever editor I'm working with.

For me, the editing process takes the energy needed for drafting and multiplies it by a thousand. While drafting I feel like I can think things up on the fly, with editing, it's a whole different kettle of fish. I have to get it right as close to the first time as possible, and I really really struggle with it.


This kinda feeds off the first fact. I will spend months in revision and then jump into editing and find that no matter how prepared I feel, or am, it's always going to be one hell of a ride. There are those authors who love the editing phase, and I wish I was one of them because it's like pulling teeth for me. I go over and over the chapters in revision and I just never feel completely like it's not going to fall apart the moment my editor looks at it. It doesn't seem to matter how much prep I do, there is always going to be a problem, and it's always going to amp up my anxiety going into it. But it's part of the process and it's something that I've learned to live with.

I thought I would touch on how I go through the editing cycle. For a lot of writers, the editor will send an edit letter and then they'll make the changes, for some they leave comments as well as the edit letter. Every editor I've worked with has done the comments and changing as we both work through the document. I feel like that's what works best for me, and if I was working with someone new, I would probably ask if they could do the same. I think it works because we're both in the document and both making changes here and there, and I'm able to hone in on the problem rather than being caught up in the whole book. We're going chapter by chapter, and while I do need to think about things like plot through the whole story, having that focus on the one chapter at a time really does help me.


It wouldn't be right for me to focus on what I don't like about editing, and not mention that after going through it all, the blood, sweat and tears that goes into it, not just from me, but my editors, I am very much happy with the result. I don't know if any other writers feel that same way where they get to a point where they're sick of reading the same chapters over and over, it happens to more than me, I'm sure, but when I get to the end of editing, when I'm finally able to call the book finished, I am so very happy with the result, and that's one of the reasons that I keep going through the same process over and over, because it works!

I think this is the problem for me, there is no set pattern of what needs to be done. I think if there were a way for me to approach revisions and editing the same way each time, it would become more familiar and less terrifying for me. That said, I do have some things that stay the same, like how I approach revisions and when I start to do the self-edit what that means, along with my outline for revising and the like. However, once that book goes off to the professional editor, all bets are off as to what they'll find that needs work. It's understandable since every single book can't be the same and can't have the same problems or issues, but it's still something that stresses me out, yet I know it needs to be done and because of that, will continue to work through it.

So there we go, those are five facts about my editing process. I plan to continue this next week with five facts about my ideas process, and I'd love to see you there. Editing isn't my cup of tea, but at the same time, it's very much a necessary step and something that you do learn to work with as you go through it time and time again.

Any questions? Lemme know in the comments!

Follow Joey here on her blog, or on Facebook or Tumblr to be kept up to date with the latest news regarding Joey and her books

Friday 11 March 2022

Review of Finding Eden by KRS McEntire

Escape the city. Conceal your powers. Don't catch feelings for your assassin.

Lilah has heard rumors of a garden paradise known as Eden somewhere out in the wilds. Forced out of post-apocalyptic Chicago when her mutant abilities come to light, it's her only hope of safety.

But she's not the only one roaming the wastelands.

On Adam’s first mission as a newly-qualified Warden, he is tasked with finding and destroying the heart of the Resistance–Eden.

When Lilah's and Adam's destinies collide, neither can deny the spark of attraction between them, but how long can they journey together before their secrets come to light?

When Lilah lets down her barriers, Adam sees her for who she truly is and is faced with an impossible choice–between duty and his heart.


My Review:  5 STARS

I picked this up after I breezed through the first book and was desperate to know more about what happened next in this world. Dealing with two new main POV characters, both caught my attention and had me hooked from their first words. I adore the world McEntire has created and the way they weave in bits and pieces of world building and history within the plot. I loved the way the story unfolded and was amazed at how quickly I’d read it and finished it, desperate for more. I have the next book already and that’s gonna be one I have to read too. Another highly recommended book!

Join Joey here on the blog on Fridays for interviews, reviews and guest bloggers. If you'd be interested in doing any of those, you can contact Joey here.

Tuesday 8 March 2022


Cat's community is being attacked and she doesn't want to let it go...

BUY NOW: http://www.books2read.com/INAR

[ID: A light blur bleeding into purple stripes with the title IT'S NOT ALWAYS RAINBOWS at the top and Out now in ebook and paperback just above the title. The except reads:

“Didn’t you see the post?” Alex asked.
“What post?” I said, confused. We all left the house before the postman came so I wasn’t sure what he could be talking about.
“Tell them, Ahmed,” Alex said, gesturing for Ahmed to speak.
I turned to face him and could tell that even though he was usually serious, this was something different, something worse than normal.
“What is it? Is everything okay?” I asked, trying to keep my voice and tone even, but I was starting to freak out.
“It’s Jamie,” Ahmed said. “He was the third attack victim. He’s really badly hurt.”

At the bottom is Joey Paul and just below that the website www.joeypaulonline.com, in the top right corner is the Readers' Favorite Review seal, next to it is the New Apple Award seal, and in the bottom right corner is the logo for Bug Books. END ID]


Monday 7 March 2022

5 Facts About My Revision Process


Last week I talked about five facts about my writing process (found here) and this week I'm going to dive into another part of the writing life, and talk about five facts about my revision process. This is something that I  have developed over a number of years and I'm still learning. If you find something that resonates with you, then feel free to let me know, or use it yourself!


I've always known that pantsing makes it harder to revise, and even though I edit as I go, there's always going to be things that get missed, or aren't a problem until the very end of the book. While I will let the project sit for a long while, I like to read through it once or twice, make notes, and then draft a proper outline. I go into detail of the timeline, or the plot points that need to happen when, and of any changes that I'll need to make for the revision process. I didn't start doing this until a few books back, and I have to say that it's really helped me get things straight and streamline my revision process.


Going off that last fact, I will say that every book is different. I don't have a solid, fits every book, way of doing things. While the readthroughs and the outline stay the same, every single project throws up its own issues and I'm still finding a way to make it work for me. There are some projects where it's easier to revise than others. There are some where it's better for me to take only snippets of the original draft and rewrite from the ground up because it's just too much of a mess otherwise.


I've always been someone who can write pretty much consistently, but when it comes to revising, it can take me months to even get to the point where I'm ready to make changes. I will keep notes throughout the first readthrough but I'll also make notes through every other pass I make. I don't set a limit on how long it'll take me to revise, it really does depend on project to project. I do like to try and have at least one revision project on the go at all times so that I know I'm making a dent in my backlog.

This is something that a lot of writers will say, to get some distance between draft one and the next one. For some writers this is a week or two, others it's months, for me it's years. That's not just because I have the backlog that I do, but because I do have that backlog I can take that time away from a project and really forget all about it. I will still be running ideas through my head, but when it comes to opening that first draft again, I want to be as fresh eyed as I can be.

Of course, it's not always possible, and so sometimes I've come back to a draft after a few months and will still find it somewhat okay to revise through it. But ideally, I'll put a year or two between finishing the first draft and picking up the next one.

As someone who's always said they prefer drafting, I do have to say that revision is somewhat easier for me than the professional edit. I find that I get less anxious the further I get through the drafts. I try to keep track of which number I'm on, but it doesn't always work for me. I will, however, try and make sure that by the time it gets to the beta phase, I'm happy enough with the draft that I won't get too anxious. It's the letting other people read my work that makes me jumpy and ruins the enjoyment of the process for me. Once I've started to do that, it all comes together better.

So there we go, that's five facts about my revision process. Check in next week to get another five facts about something else in the writing process!

Any questions? Lemme know in the comments below!

Follow Joey here on her blog, or on Facebook or Tumblr to be kept up to date with the latest news regarding Joey and her books

Friday 4 March 2022

Review of One Last Summer by Emma Rossi

After her mother checks herself into a mental health retreat, seventeen-year-old Cyra Burton is sent to spend her entire summer with her Gran in Paradise Bay. She hasn’t returned to Paradise Bay since her father walked out on her and her mum five years ago. Cyra meets Riley, a bubbly and beautiful local who is determined to get out of Paradise Bay. But before she leaves, she wants to make her last summer the best yet. She persuades Cyra to join her on a quest to fulfil her bucket list of all the items she wants to complete before permanently leaving Paradise Bay and beginning their lives as adults.

It quickly becomes apparent that Cyra and Riley are more than friends, but Cyra keeps her at arm’s length as she believes that anyone she lets close always leaves. It seems that the only way around it is that they become a summer fling, which has a definite expiration date. However, in a small town like Paradise Bay, Cyra can’t seem to escape the past and it may just ruin her whole summer.


My Review: 5 STARS

I picked this up because the cover and blurb called to me, and I was in the mood for a nice sweet romance, and I have to say that I was blown away by how good this was. I loved Cyra and Riley and reading through their romance, the ups and downs, the twists and turns, filled my heart with joy. I ended up reading the whole thing in one sitting and adored the ending, adored the way it all came together. It was beautifully told, and the character arcs were so well formed and relatable. Overall, a beautiful summer romance, with gorgeous themes and characters. Highly, highly recommended!

Join Joey here on the blog on Fridays for interviews, reviews and guest bloggers. If you'd be interested in doing any of those, you can contact Joey here.

Tuesday 1 March 2022


Tara has never planned to do anything after she left school, but the adults in her life have expectations...

BUY NOW: http://www.books2read.com/DTFS

[ID: A blurred blue and black at the top with the title DYING THOUGHTS - FIFTH SECRET at the top and Out now in ebook and paperback just above the title. The except reads:

“Don’t start with me,” I snapped, still trying to think of a way to get out of going home after school.
“Hey, don’t take it out on me!” she snapped back. Great, now I’d pissed off the only person on my side.
“Sorry,” I said, giving her an apologetic look. “I’ve had a bad night and morning and it’s looking to continue till I turn twenty one.”
“What happened?” she asked, then lowering her voice, “Is it a case?”
I shook my head. “It’s Dad, and Mike, and my future, and the whole subject of ‘what is Tara going to do with her life?’”

At the bottom is Joey Paul and just below that the website www.joeypaulonline.com, in the top right corner is the Readers' Favorite Review seal, and in the bottom right corner is the logo for Bug Books. END ID]