#regram via @gemini2goddess . . . "New Release! Link in bio. Sanah Once upon a time, my heart ached from sorrow. Now, it aches for Noah... Noah Garrett gives me chills up my spine and on my arms when our eyes clash. It's awkward because, that invisible force is always surrounding him. The feeling I get is unceasing. The kind that makes my heart ache to know more about him. I ache to feel the strong embrace of his arms around me and so much more. I've spent so much time with an aching void where my heart should be I barely noticed when the pain changed from sorrow to desire. I don't mourn what I've lost as much as I bleed for what I want. Noah may be the man I shouldn't have, but he's the only man that makes me feel like I could want more. Noah The hunger that consumes me every time I lay eyes on Sanah makes me want to claim her for my own. Her weary eyes radiate hurt and betrayal. I want to change that look to happiness, like the sun when it rises in the sky to give us a new day. I've spent my life convincing everyone I want to remain a bachelor, but the pain I see in Sanah makes me wish for more. I could take her now and turn that pain into rapture, but at what cost? Is knowing this woman worth the change I can feel happening every time I look into those hungry eyes? I wonder, what man was dumb enough to break a woman as beautiful as Sanah's heart?"
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