Friday 22 February 2019

Guest Blogger - S. McPherson: Why I Write

Why I Write

S. McPherson

To live in a land of magic has always been a dream of mine. The idea of being immersed in a world where anything goes and where all of my wildest imaginings are possible, makes my heart race and my skin tingle. I become the very essence of excitement. When I was younger, people said I was mad.
‘Head in the clouds that one.’ They’d say. But I’d just smile and shake my head. They don’t believe in magic.

For a land where anything goes is not far from here. My journey with it began the first time I opened a book – a place where I could grow, explore and embark on magical adventures. Where people could fly and animals could talk; where witches stirred cauldrons and superheroes wore tights.

My fascination only grew when I discovered the joy of creating my own stories and worlds to lose myself in. Where I could birth the characters that I loved and loved to hate. Where I could say how things would go.

Having spent eight years as a kindergarten teacher, I am very used to making up stories and inventing excitingly ridiculous scenarios for my class to take part in. I set the stage, choose the costumes and form a plot. And when I’m not engaged in a world of imagination and fantasy focussed on the children, I am entranced in worlds of my own, dreaming up tales and writing them down. This all helped me to enhance and develop my ability to create impossible things and I’ve loved every minute of it.

I now have seven indie-published books out in the world and that thought always makes me squeal. Two children’s books, and five novels that are a part of a romance fantasy series which, of course, revolves around mystic lands, magical powers and warring empires.

I write to taste the things that real life can never quite display because our imaginations are endless and, with them, we can do anything. So, call me mad, I don’t mind. It just means that I believe in magic, and books are magic on Earth.

You can follow S. McPherson on Facebook, Twitter, her website, Instagram and Youtube.

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