Thursday 26 June 2014

The Trials Of A Crime Writer: Sometimes Book Research Isn't Enough

The Trials Of A Crime Writer: Sometimes Book Research Isn't Enough

If there's one thing I've learnt from my years as a crime writer, it's that research is the key to all the wonders of the book world. You need to know exactly how certain things work and sometimes there comes a time when looking a subject up online or reading about it in a book just isn't precise enough for you to find the words to convey what you mean and leave no doubt in the reader's mind. So, sometimes you have to think outside the box and do a little practical research.

Now, before you get worried, I'm not suggesting that you commit a crime of any kind to check and see how it would work. Nor do I suggest kidnapping someone to play out your nefarious plot. Yes, there are some things that you will just have to use the internet and books to find out about - like murder, rape and other inhumane crimes. What I'm talking about is when you get to the point in the book where you plan to have someone escape from capture, or link the killer via some kind of forensic evidence or other such plot device.

I know it's pretty hard to work out forensic evidence transfer and there are other options which I'll cover shortly, but for the moment I'll focus on the rescue from capture because I can speak from personal experience. When you have your character tied up and trying to look for a way to flee you can find that some hands on experience will work best. You can look at how the criminal mastermind would tie them up, get a friend to do the same to you and work out what is possible to do from that situation whilst bound. You can do the same with breaking the bonds of a zip-tie - it is possible, but it does take some know how and it's not something that easily explained so may require you delving into your own little practice session.

You also have to be careful to be clear how your character knows this stuff. If you've got a teenager who has never come into contact with zip ties in that way before, then it's unlikely that they'll be able to break them apart in minutes and escape. The same can be said for anything with a lock such as handcuffs. Sure if they're the crappy ones from the Pound store then it's likely that they'll be easy to get out of, but you still need to have some experience with how easy, and how obvious it would be to the captor. After all, why would they be using something that is obviously easy to escape from?

Now, back to the forensic evidence that provides the very clue that will link your perpetrator to the victim and the crime. Whether it's something like a stray hair, or a fingerprint lifted from what was thought to have been a wiped down surface, or even DNA from a drop of blood. Whatever you choose to be the smoking gun, the procedure needed to link it back to your criminal may not be as straight-forward as you think. After all, while there are some centralised DNA databases, there isn't just one for everything, and not everyone will have their fingerprints/DNA/etc on file. While the internet is handy for those little facts that you need, sometimes you need to be sure that what you're writing is correct and that's when your next piece of research comes into play. Real life experience.

Wait, I don't mean you, I mean people who work in the field. I know that there are numerous associations you can join once you've been traditionally published (and some for Indie authors as well) that will give you live access to people in your chosen field to help you with those pesky titbits of information that will make your story all the more credible. After all, it may not be obvious to the average reader, but it will be to those who have some knowledge of the inner workings of the forensics lab. For me, not having access to those sites, I have used real people who have worked in real labs and had real experience with similar cases. I have been lucky to have been able to track down sources through people I've met online. It's not just what evidence you will need to solve your case, but also how you get a sample to compare the two. For that you will usually need a warrant of some kind and depending on how things work in your own country (as it will vary from town to town, state to state and country to country) will depend on how much information you need to be able to get one of those lovely pieces of papers that will allow you to take blood, samples or fingerprints to compare to the ones you have.

Basically, try to branch out. Not everything can be found online, and not all options are available to all writers. A lot of the writer's guilds for crime writers I've come across have excellent resources, but unless you're traditionally published or making x amount of sales a month/year, you won't be allowed full membership and access to their information. Make connections in the writing community and you'll find yourself with real life people to compare information with, and that's the easiest way to solve a riddle that isn't covered in reference books.

Follow Joey on Facebook or here on her blog to be kept up to date with the latest news regarding Joey and her books.

Tuesday 17 June 2014

An important update

Hey Guys!

So, this is a scheduled post that I wrote a while ago, but have only posted now because I wanted to be sure how things were going to go. As the majority of you are aware, I have several chronic conditions. I have never hidden this from any of my readers or other author friends, indie or otherwise. However, one of my conditions has gotten progressively worse and I am now on a new trial drug that is making it hard to keep up with my daily jobs. The trial will last sixteen weeks and I'm on week five right now. There are no guarantees that this will make my breathing easier, but it has showed promise in other patients with my lung issues.

I have sat my final exam for my degree in the past few days and am now able to concentrate solely on book work and a few other hobbies. I have written over the past few weeks a whole heap of blog posts that I will make sure post over the coming weeks. I don't know how long it will take for the side effects to subside, or if they will completely. All I plan to do now is take my time, grab each day as it comes and do what I can. No one can expect any more than that.

I'm writing this because I know that Facebook are limiting who sees my posts, and while this also gets posted to my Tumblr, Goodreads, Twitter and Google+ pages, I want you all to know that I am focusing on the best thing for me, which is to keep breathing so I can keep writing. I plan to do as much as I can to keep you guys in the loop in regards to my upcoming release, as well as let you know how I'm doing. However, I won't be doing as much as I was because the side effects are brutal. So, if you don't see me post on my Facebook or elsewhere, don't think I've disappeared, I'm just taking some time off that day.

As always, if you want to reach me, you can email and I'll respond when I can! Thank you ALL for your support during this time and I promise that I will be back :D


Friday 13 June 2014

The Trials Of An Indie Author: 24hrs Isn't Enough

The Trials Of An Indie Author: 24hrs Isn't Enough

I know one big thing for me as an indie author is finding enough time in the day to get everything done. It's one part of it that I really struggle with, not just because I'm disabled and chronically ill, but also because sometimes there is SO much to do and so little time to get it done. Like, right now it's four in the morning and I needed more time to write, I was in the "zone" and I didn't want to stop in case I couldn't pick my thread back up when I'd had some sleep. And now that the chapters are done, I'm left with the thousand other things that I'd been putting off.

One of the big differences between indie and traditionally published authors is that for indie authors, we pretty much end up with a lot of the jobs landing in our laps. I can't speak for those who are with small presses, but I know that those with the Big Six have other people to do some of the smaller jobs for them. Marketing has its own department, as does PR and all the other little things that, as an indie author, I just don't have access to.

I made the conscious decision to become an indie author, and while I don't regret it, it does leave me wishing some days that I could squeeze in a few extra hours here and there without having to worry too much about not getting enough sleep! Right now, for instance, I have about six other blog posts that need writing, four more chapters to do for a new fortnight and a few other jobs that need my attention. There just isn't enough time to do it all and still get my required twelve hours sleep a night.

It makes me wonder how people with a full time job manage it! To me, being an indie author is a full time job! I have spoken in the past about all the different hats we have to wear (found here) as well as how at times it seems that sleep is optional (found here). However, working through on your bad days isn't always an option either and so there is always a serious deficit in time. I know it's not just me either, one part of being an indie author as well as a spoonie is learning not to stretch yourself too thin and learning that saying no occasionally is not a bad thing.

However, when you need to market yourself and sell your brand, as it were (a piece on which is coming soon!), you then find that you do need to work things out and stick to a schedule. Mine is never set in stone because I have other issues that prevent me from spending x amount of hours on one thing at any given time. With a job such as writing, it becomes a case of working when you can and doing the best you can with what you've got. While I didn't plan to spend the night happily typing away at my computer, that's the way it's gone, so why not make it work for me?

Writing, for me at least, is my passion. It's something that I wake up in the morning happy to do, but sadly, sometimes life gets in the way and I find myself scurrying around trying to find an extra ten minutes here or there to be able to get what I need done at the right time. Your mileage may, of course, vary.

Follow Joey on Facebook or here on her blog to be kept up to date with the latest news regarding Joey and her work.