Friday 2 April 2021

Review of Life Bound by Aubery Winters

 When a vampire throws you out of a window, don’t make him your personal bodyguard.

But when my Nana disappears, he has no choice but to stick with me if he wants to stay alive.

My life turned upside down when I walked in on the world’s oldest vampire attacking my grandmother. Everything I knew about myself was a lie. My parents weren’t killed in a tragic car accident, my Nana wasn’t a normal little old lady, and a whole supernatural world exists parallel to ours.

I’m desperate to find Nana. Kol is desperate to break this spell that binds my life to his. Together, we have to make sure I stay alive long enough to find out who I really am before an underground war between the supernatural races tears the Shadow world apart.

My Review: 4 STARS

I picked this up because the blurb sounded intriguing. I enjoyed the story, but felt like it was rushed in some places, and it kinda threw me out of the book. It’s not my usual kind of series, but at the same time, it’s beautifully told. The whole idea of Elle being thrown into a life that she never knew about before intrigues me, and makes me want to know more. It was a short, quick read, but I did find there were parts when I wished things had been more expanded upon. Overall, a book I enjoyed, and I might pick up the next in the series.

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