Friday 3 March 2023

Review of Over The Moon by SE Anderson

Ding Dong, the Technowitch is dead.

As an illegal clone of the murdered galactic princess, Dora's face would get her killed the minute she steps off her dull farming moon. She spends her days tinkering with gadgets and gears, with Tau, her kitchen-timer-bot, for company. But when forces close in and threaten her family, her escape attempt lands her deep in the Outer Zone — and on top of the Technowitch of Night, crushing her in the process.

Now a fugitive in two solar systems, Dora's only chance of survival is to find her way to the mysterious Technomage on his Emerald moon. In a place where science has advanced to be indistinguishable from magic, she must accept the help of an unlikely trio: a cryogenically-preserved girl with no memory, an obsolete theme park droid, and a bioengineered beast with a penchant for the dramatic.

As Dora realizes there's more to the princess's death than what the universe has been told, she must choose — save her family, or risk everything to right a centuries-old wrong.


My Review: 5 STARS

I’ve always loved Anderson’s work and when I saw this one up for pre-order, I knew I had to pick it up. I adored Dora, the world building, the characters that all came together and were so real they jumped off the page. The twists and turns through the story will keep you guessing and make you wonder what comes next, and every single time it’ll blow your mind. An amazing retelling of Wizard of Oz, and done in a way that is delightfully enjoyable. Very much recommended to all who love sci-fi and magic!

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