Friday 10 March 2023

Review of Things Not Seen by Monica Boothe

How do you protect someone you can't even see?

17-year-old Kristin has selective blindness. She can't see, hear, feel, or smell her brother. This doesn't stop them from becoming best friends, turning his unique invisibility into a game, but when the two of them are stranded alone during a blizzard, it doesn't feel like a game anymore. Kristin will do everything she can to keep her little brother alive, but she's the least qualified person in the world to do so.


My Review: 5 STARS

I picked this up because the blurb sounded like something that I would enjoy. I ended up reading it in one sitting, finding myself tied to the pages and desperate to know what happened next. Kristen and Josh, their unique circumstances, their relationship and the way they adapted to interact was just delightful, keeping me hooked on the page as the tension grew. It was a quick read for me, but a delightful one. I adored seeing the brother and sister turn into a team despite the circumstances and it was a book I very much enjoyed. Recommended!

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