Tuesday 16 March 2021



Lock knows someone is missing, but she can't work out what happened to them...

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[ID: A sea-green background with the title of LIGHTS OUT, underneath are the words: out now in paperback & ebook. In the top left corner is an award seal for New Apple. The teaser texts reads:

“Everything okay, Lock?” he asked, as I turned back to the screen.
“Yeah, I think so,” I mumbled as I ran over the names again and again, trying to remember who was missing.
“You look like something’s wrong,” Chris said, sitting down in the chair next to mine. “What’s up?”
“I dunno, I think I’m missing someone,” I said, glancing at him.
“How many names do you have?” he asked, pulling one of my screens so that he could check my work.
“Fourteen, but I can’t find the missing one anywhere in the system,” I said.

 Below is Joey Paul, and the website www.joeypaulonline.com and to the bottom right is the logo for Bug Books END ID]



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