Friday 5 November 2021

Review of Death By Midnight by Nicole Nadeau

When her inventions put her loved ones in danger, can this brilliant teen rescue them from hostile international agents?

Anna Goode feels her gift is more of a curse. Bullied at school for her high IQ, the sixteen-year-old genius can’t even tell her parents about her clever contraptions for fear they’ll treat her differently. But when a Russian madman kidnaps her family and demands she build him a doomsday device, her sharp mind is the only thing that can save them.

Teaming up with her best friend, Anna races against the clock to gather the materials to meet the villain’s deadline. And now struggling to stay off the CIA’s radar, the daring high schoolers could be the only people between a maniac and millions of lives.

Can these fearless spy kids free Anna’s parents and protect the rest of humanity?


My Review: 4 STARS

I was intrigued by the premise for this book and wanted to give it a shot. It starts fast-paced and it caries on that way throughout the novel. Anna and Jake are engaging characters, jumping into their mission with only one goal: to saving Anna’s parents and stop the worst from happening. I ended up reading the book in one sitting and found it hard to pull myself away from it. There were a few bits and pieces that made me stumble with the disbelief, but at the end of the day, it was a good book, and an enjoyable read.

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