Friday 1 April 2022

Review of Secret Skies by Sharlene Healy

Forests are full of secrets.

I thought our road would be easy. All we had to do was go straight to the mera base our parents would be at.

I couldn’t have been more wrong.

When I’m recognized as a missing person, our group runs to the forest to hide. We travel to an abandoned mera base so that June can build more of her machines. After all, we want to be able to save our parents from the meras.

I wish I could have rested there, but these terrifying nightmares wouldn’t stop. Enemies in the forest and my dreams wouldn’t leave me alone, and so I tried to stop a mera on my own. Now I’ve uncovered secrets that destroyed my world. If I can’t recover, I’ll become like the prisoners in Bunker 3, losing myself and my family forever.


My Review: 5 STARS

I read the first book in this series and loved it, so had to read the second. I ended up breezing through it, on the edge of my seat trying to work out what was going to happen next. I adore Sam as a character, and love the friendship between her and her siblings. The story is woven with snippets of world building that allow you to be full immersed in this world. There are so many twists and turns that you will not see coming, and overall an amazing second book in a series that I will be reading more of.  This is an amazing series for anyone who loves a little sci-fi and paranormal all mixed into one. Very much recommended!

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