Friday 3 May 2024

Review of Circle Of Embers by Kelly Carrero

They said the demons would go after everyone we loved and cared about. They said I was theirs to command. They said I was one of them.
 What they didn’t say was what would happen to me during my awakening. Nor did they tell me the whole truth about what I am.
 Someone is keeping a secret, one that will change the world. And while I’m off trying to save my family, others are slithering behind the shadows, waiting until the time when they can unleash their attack on me and damn our world forever.
 But if they think they’re going to win, they don’t know me very well. There isn’t a thing I wouldn’t do to protect those I love—even if I may die trying.


My Review: 5 STARS

I read the first book in this series in one sitting and had to devour this one too. I had to know what was going to happen to Kali and the world she lived in. The opening was explosive and despite not being someone who enjoys many vampire books, this one had me hooked from the first page. I adored the many twists and turns the narrative took and the build up to that ending and big reveal blew me away. I have the third book in the series and am desperate to read it and find out what happens next. A very good series and one that I recommend!

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