Friday 24 May 2024

Review of Howl by HG Lynch

Having left the pack behind, Tilly and Spencer, along with Desmond and his boyfriend, must seek new territory and a new home. 
With Halloween fast approaching, the certainty that Arakael would return on the night that the veil between worlds is thinnest looms in all of their minds.
 Tilly struggles with her new lycanthropy, and discovers more about herself and her family than she ever wanted to know.
 With secrets being revealed and relationships tested, they're going to have to come together to survive their biggest battle yet.


My Review: 5 STARS

I picked this up and dove into it the moment I finished book two. Werewolf books are not usually my thing, but this series had me hooked from the first book and first word to the very last. I adored Tilly, Spencer and the others and I loved the way the story twisted and turned throughout all the adventures, danger and intrigue facing the characters. Lynch’s world is vibrant and real and you can’t help but sit on the edge of your seat and hope for a happy ending. Those final scenes almost killed me, but I adored the ending and it’s a series that I very much recommend!

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