Friday 10 May 2024

Review of Fight by HG Lynch

Tilly and Dominic are prisoners of the witches, and Spencer will do anything to rescue them, even as his dreaded wedding day gets nearer.
 What he doesn't know, is there's a traitor in their midst, and she's determined to make him hers.
 With her eighteenth birthday approaching, Tilly is in serious danger of becoming host to a demon, while Dominic suffers every time she leaves his side.
 Time is running out for all of them, and the only way any of them will make it is if they fight.


My Review: 5 STARS

I couldn’t help myself and dived into this book the moment I finished the first. With everything left the way it was at the end of book one, I needed to know what happened next. With Tilly and Spencer and everyone else, the story pulls you in from the first page and has you hooked until the very end, and even then you’re left desperate to know what happens in the finale. I adored the characters and while werewolves are not my usual jam, this was a book, and series, that had me convinced that could change. Very much recommended and very much enjoyed!

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