Friday 10 December 2021

Review of Summer's End by Kristy Brown

She wakes up in the hospital, badly burned with no identity.
He’s been trained to kill her before she burns the world to ashes.
When they finally meet, will he be able to take her life now that he’s started to feel for her?
His fate is already written.
The prophecy is already set.
Love between them is forbidden.


My Review: 5 STARS

I picked this up because the cover called to me, the blurb was enough to intrigue me and I was in the mood for a different kind of paranormal romance. I ended up losing myself in the book and reading it all in one sitting. I even picked up the second in the series because I was desperate to know what happens next. The story is engaging from the first page, secrets, intrigue and twists a plenty and not the usual kind of paranormal romance. I adored Summer and Dooney, and I can’t wait to see where their story takes them next. Overall, an amazing read, and one that I recommend!

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