Friday 11 February 2022

Review of Heartthrob by Estalyn

The panicking voices around me were growing distant. My ears were plugged as if I was locked under water. The warmth of my blood flowing from my body now blanketed my shirt. As the adrenaline violently pulsed through my veins, the room went pitch black.

I was walking back down the hallway of my new high school in Ohio. Dave’s blue aura was filling the air around me. His ghostly spirit felt like the dead of winter. My fist was clenching the strap of my bag jolting up the staircase. My body swung around, revealing the most beautiful green eyes, his sweet woodsy smell floated up my nose. Jason Blackstone stood before me. My body filled with vibrations – I'd seen his latest movie only a month ago. What was this Hollywood heartthrob doing in my new school? Ohio was miles away from California.

My body turned back around; two beefy hands were grasping my shoulders tightly. A pool of hatred erupted in my father’s eyes. I watched his hand reach for the gun. The stone in my necklace was causing my skin to feel frostbitten. Dave’s ghostly hand went to grab my father’s, but the gun had already fired.


My Review: 3.5 STARS

I picked this up because the cover and blurb called out to me. I was expecting a romance with a hint of the paranormal and that’s what I got, but I found it hard to get into the story, there were parts that felt like they were written way too young for the protagonist, and while the love story was sweet, it all moved along at a snail’s pace to the point where it got a little frustrating. There were good parts of the book, and I enjoyed the ending once I’d gotten used to the author’s style, but it just didn’t fulfill the promise of the blurb. Overall, a good book, but not a series I’ll be continuing.

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