Friday 15 March 2019

Review of Delusional by Micheal Evans

Memories will make you.

Natalie isn’t dead, but her past is. With Protocol 00 finally having been shut down, the free will of the country was received at the price of the memories of Natalie. After being found trespassing in Area 51 she is taken as prisoner where her mind is wiped and life meets its impending doom. However, just before she is about to be executed she is broken out of Area 51 by the White Knights, where she is thrust into a war-torn land with the expectation that she will lead the overthrow of President Ash’s regime once and for all.

But although Natalie wants to help end all the destruction she feels she has caused, she wants to get her memories and past back more than anything. Surrounded by lies and manipulation, Natalie quickly realizes that no one seems to care or have answers about her past. And with the government still out to kill her, the real struggle becomes, not if she will get her memories back, but if she will live to make more.   

My review: 4 stars
I picked this up as the first one had intrigued me and I wanted to see where the author went with the story. I felt like I was pulled in, yet there were times when there seemed to be too much of the same thing. Natalie has lost her memories and is in a race against time to either get them back or learn to move on without them. Yet everyone around her wants something from her, whether that's what she wants or not. She's left without a choice and while she fights against the system, she finds hope in that one day she will truly be whole again. I enjoyed the read and didn't see the ending coming. I'm looking forward to reading the next in the series!

You can follow Michael on Instagram, Facebook, Goodreads and Twitter.

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